Learning the English can be challenge for some people, especially those who are learning it as a second language. However, with enough practice and determination, this is certainly a doable task as many others in the world who are citizens of countries whose first language is not English has demonstrated. Below are simple and practical tips on how to improve English language knowledge will not have a difficult time following:
- Create a blog in English. You can write about any subject that interests you, it does not matter. The main objective of this exercise is to make use of the English words that you already know. This will also be a good way to expand your vocabulary. Every time you struggle to find a word or phrase that will accurately convey your message, just check a dictionary or thesaurus. Enough practical experience in using the language will also lesson your grammatical and spelling mistakes. If you are nervous about writing in a language you are not too familiar with, stick to writing about topics that you have a enough knowledge and confidence to write about, such as your hobbies or favourite subjects in school. If you find yourself running about interesting topics, you can always resort to chronicle your own personal experiences. This way, the writing is from the heart and you already know the emotions and ideas you are trying to convey. This way it will be easier to find the right words that will appropriately convey your message.
- Write a news diary. If you should find yourself bored with writing a diary, you can resort to writing about news that you learn about, read and listen to on a regular basis. You can expand the stories to include commentary on the issues or events. You can use this as a learning opportunity on how to improve English by observing how others who are already proficient in the language use it to communicate effectively.